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Lupe Lopez ~Gabe's mom~
Good morning Gabriel, I lite this candle N ur memory, ur 4ever N my prayers & N my heart. Hugs 2 all who love & miss U.
Mom to Angel Justin Lindley
Constantly loved, ever remembered Ever in our thoughts.May your day be filled with heavenly beauty!
Gabe's mom cont'd
Hey precious, it's been a while since I've visited ur site, but always keep U N my prayers. Send lots of hugs 2 ur mommy
Lupe Lopez ~Gabe's mom~
A silent thought a secret tear, keeps ur memory ever dear, God took U home, it was His will, but in our hearts U live still. Hugs
Mommy cont
Hospital bag so your sister can see you and know who her guardian angel is. Miss you always Gabriel Love you always
Thinking of you lots today papa, and missing you tons. We love you and always will, never forget you. I have your picture in my
Mom to Angel Justin Lindley
~♥~In the hearts of those who love you, You will always be there.~♥~ Remembering you today!
Isaiah's Mommy (cont)
1st birthday in Heaven tomorrow! We <3 you!
Isaiah's Mommy (cont)
Close to them both and your daddy to and help them to be strong for sissy's big arrival ok? Have fun celebrating baby Austins
Isaiah's Mommy
Hi Sweetie! Just sending you some really big hugs and kisses and extra for mommy and sissy too! Stay..
Mommy cont
Please help your sister get strong and healthy as she will come early, just not as early as you. I love you baby always and 4ever
Mommy cont
Sister, didnt realize how emotional I would get when I talked about you. I love talking about you, but you would have been 18 mon
Total Candles: 486
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