Gabriel Omar DeJesus - Online Memorial Website

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Gabriel DeJesus
Born in Florida
4 months
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Thank you for taking the time to look at Gabriel's site and read his story.  Please feel free to leave a comment about our website or just a note to our family.  Thank you and God Bless.




April Cassim January 22, 2013
Thoughts and Prayers with you always!
My thoughts and prayers are with you as you remember your precious boy!  Know he's a little angel looking down on you and smiling!  Hoping that the knowledge of that will serve as some solace that he is not really gone and that he is always with you!  Be strong and God bless you!
Lauren Hennig January 22, 2013
I often think of your angel baby and smile because he is watching over your girls and he will always watch over them. You were blessed with him for such a short time but his impact was enormous. He is with you always. 
Luann Galarza November 9, 2009


 Everytime I see my nephew Jowell it reminds me of Gabriel. They were only a week apart. I think of him often and miss him often. I am always here. Love you guys

Laura Beth Gibbs June 27, 2009
My heart hurts for you...
Xandra and Jose-

I read all of your posts here again, and just sit here and the tears run down my face. You both are some of the strongest people I know, to be able to go through the loss of your angel, and stand here today, united, and awaiting the birth of your second angel. I am praying with everything that I have that God will let you keep this one here on earth, and allow Gabriel to be her guardian angel. I know to a degree what you went through, but mine made it through. I don't think I could have been as brave and strong as you are if my little one had not made it. You are an example of strength that I someday hope to have. God Bless you both, and Gabriel, the sweet angel looking down on you.

Laura Beth
Susan June 3, 2009
Our precious angels Gabriel and Amanda


I have been looking through your memorial site reading about little Gabriel's life. I truly love that name and know it fit your little angel perfectly. He fought hard to stay here with you and I know he was a strong willed little angel. I know he's in heaven perfectly fitted in Gods arm and watching over you as you keep his memory alive. Little Gabriel lives on in your heart and in your memories, so stay strong and always hold your chin up high and wave to him every chance you get as he will be blowing you kisses through the wind, he'll drop little rain drops on your head through the rain, he'll be your warmth through the sunlight hours, your shinning light in the dark hours.


I know he has met our beloved angel Amanda Johnson Middleton. She went on to be with our lord and savior today a year ago. I know she is enjoying little Gabriel's company as they do their angel things in heaven. I pray that God watches over you and heals your pain and gives you strength to carry on until that day when we meet our angels once again.

Love ya!
Susan Smith

Beatriz Collado April 13, 2009



Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful site with me. My husband and I were looking through all of the pictures and reading Gabriel's story. It reminds me so much of everything we went through and everything our angel Charlie Elizabeth experienced. I really like the idea of having a memorial site and I think we may do the same thing for Charlie because our first website was really only used when she was in the CICU. Again, he is such a gorgeous boy:) I look forward to seeing you again.





Wendy Bieberle February 11, 2009
Our precious gift


What an amazing site you have created here for little Gabriel.  It shows your deep love for your precious son.  I look at it a lot and truly care about how you are doing.  It is the hardest thing ever to lose a child.  It should not be.  But since we do not have a choice, we must carry on still doing things in their memory.  You are doing a great job of that.  I know lil' Gab would be so proud of his mommy. 


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