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Gabriel DeJesus
Born in Florida
4 months
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Theresa, Leah's Mommy September 12, 2009
For Little Sister, Gemma

A Different Child


A different child,
people notice there's a special glow around you
You grow surrounded by love,
Never doubting you are wanted
Only look at the pride and joy
in your mother and father's eyes

And if sometimes, between the smiles
There's a trace of tears,
One day you'll understand

You'll understand
There was once another child

A different child
Who was in their hopes and dreams
That child will never outgrow the baby clothes
That child will never keep them up at night
In fact, that child will never be any trouble at all
Except sometimes, in a silent moment,
When mother and father miss so much
That different child

May hope and love wrap you warmly
And may you learn the lesson forever
How infinitely precious
How infinitely fragile
Is this life on earth

One day, as a young woman
You may see another mother's tears
Another father's silent grief
Then you, and you alone
Will understand
And offer the greatest comfort
When all hope seems lost
You will tell them
With great compassion
"I know how you feel,
I'm only here
Because my mother tried again."


~ Pandora Diane MacMillan

Theresa, Leah's Mommy August 16, 2009
Forever in our Hearts

A million times we needed you,
A million times we cried,
If love alone would have saved you,
You would of never died.

In life we loved you dearly,
In death we love you still,
In our hearts you hold a place,
No one can ever fill.

A light from our household is gone,
A voice from our love is stilled,
A place in our vacant home,
Which never can be filled.

Some may think you are forgotten,
Though on earth you are no more,
But in our memory you are with us,
As you always were before.

It broke our hearts to lose you,
But you did not go alone,
A part of us went with you,
The day God called you home.

Your precious memories are for keepsakes,
with which we never part,
God has you safely in his keeping,
But we have you forever in our hearts

~Author Unknown

Theresa, Leah's Mommy July 4, 2009

What we once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose,

for all that we love deeply become a part of us.

~Helen Keller

Eli Sol June 19, 2009

It's my first birthday in heaven,
what a joy to partake.
My presents are flowers and rainbows
and angel food cake.

My crib is decorated with roses
and glitter.
And the stars that shine upon me
make everything shimmer.

The other angels are dancing and
singing me songs.
Soon Jesus will be joining me,
It won't be long.

We'll all gather and pray
for my loved ones on earth,
Who love me so much,
from the day of my birth.

You see, Birthdays in Heaven
are full of happiness and cheer.
We celebrate with our loved ones,
who proceeded us here.

Yes, Birthdays in Heaven
are wonderful and gay.
One day we will celebrate together,
for that moment, Mommy and Daddy, I pray,

Mommy June 18, 2009
Gabriel's Mommy


There's a special Angel in Heaven

that is a part of me.

It is not where I want him

but where God wanted him to be.

He was here but just a moment

like a night time shooting star.

And though he is in Heaven

he isn't very far.

He touched the heart of many

like only an angel can do.

I would've held him every minute

if the end I only knew.

So send this special message

to the heavens up above.

Please take care of my Angel

and send him all my love.

Many thanks to the unknown author

Theresa Tamash June 16, 2009
Leah's Mom

If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden. 

~Claudia Ghandi

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